Saying Goodbye

Our last couple days have been a little busy, which is why our post is a bit delayed….not to mention the learning curve of now parenting two 😁. On Friday morning, we went to the group home for the last time.  Hin Hin was all packed, and seemed ready to go.  He had carefully packed in every treasure he was able to. From his favorite bath towel to his empty coke can with a picture of iron man. To us these may seem worthless, but these are his treasures so we value them as well. After a meeting with his aunties to review his schedule, we gathered all his luggage and bags of “treasures” and returned to our hotel.  It was time for lunch when we got back and of course he asked for McDonalds.  We gave in after having his social worker explain that we would go once or twice but not everyday.  McDonalds here has some slightly different food selections like shake bag fries, honey barbecue chicken and other fun sandwiches. Laura was a trooper and ordered the most “healthy” thing she could find. We had a sweet connecting moment as he fed us some of his special fries.  This may seem small but is a huge step forward.  Our afternoon included a pool adventure. It was wonderful to bond as a family as we splashed around. We then had a wonderful dinner and Hin Hin ordered a steak sandwich that was the size of his head! He and Luke had a bonding moment when they traded a slice of pizza for half the huge sandwich.  We are encouraged by these moments but can see Luke struggling to understand many of the things we are temporarily allowing Hin Hin to do during the transition.  Please pray for both boys, but especially for Luke during this time.  The bedtime routine went smoothly until it was time to go to sleep.   The emotions of the day and all the changes overwhelmed Hin Hin and he started to sob. All we could do was pray and be present as he looked at his photo album from his aunties. He also requested a hot water bottle he brought for comfort but did not like the plastic smell. Our translation app told us he was saying “ it smells like the west sea”. Apparently the west sea does not have a pleasant smell😁.  After a long while he eventually drifted off to sleep and had a restless night.  We are hoping that tonight is better for all!

Today we ventured out for breakfast and ended up with a breakfast of carbs with a side of carbs😁.  The weather was a bit rainy this morning so we ended up playing at the indoor play area in our hotel until our meeting at 11.  Hin Hin’s previous foster family had asked if they could see him one last time to say goodbye.  His social worked came as well to help with the meeting, and also say good bye to Hin Hin.  His social worked has been such a blessing to Hin Hin over the years, and to us as well.   She even helped us buy a Bible story book in Cantonese and English for us to read together. It was an emotional goodbye for all of us.  We had a great lunch and finally figured out that if we order 3 meals, we have enough for all without too much left over….you know how it drives Laura crazy to waste.  The afternoon included another pool adventure and some relaxing cartoons.  

Please join us in prayer for our bonding and comfort for Hin Hin and that he may see Jesus through us.  Please pray for Luke as it is a difficult transition for him as well. Please pray for Laura and James to continue to connect with both our boys and each other. 


  1. Celebrating with you with the highlights of the day, and praying for you with the transition both now and for the weeks, months, and years ahead. Reading your post here brings back a lot of memories of our own experience, so definitely praying for all of you.


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