What is a parent? An advisor, instructor, corrector, police officer, negotiator, play mate…..the list goes on. Although we never thought parenting two boys would be easy, they are making sure we get the full experience right away 😁. The adjustment between the boys comes in waves of getting along and fighting over who had the Lego capsule first, and are not satisfied when we point out they both have one!
Luke continues to adjust to the new normal and is doing better each day with the changes, although still difficult. Our hearts break for him as this change has been very challenging for him. The good news is that we found he needs some one-on-one time with each of us for a short break, and then comes back recharged to face the changes. Hin Hin continues to adjust as well. We have been showing him that love does not come with conditions. He has been exposed to more than what the average 8 year old has, and we see these things come out when he is stressed or angry. Thankfully we are seeing some small changes in the way he reacts and the words that he uses, and know that many small changes over time add up to big things! At the end of the day we have a little boy who is sad and hurting and trying to understand what love and forever means. We read the Bible as a family daily and pray that he learns of the greatest love that Christ has for us.
We delight in the times we hear laughter during the boys interactions (like playing the drums and dancing or singing silly songs), and the random smiles/ genuine connection that Hin Hin shows. We love to see some of Luke’s humor and caring heart return as well.
Please continue to pray for our sons as they adjust and for us to have wisdom and patience as we love and navigate difficult situations. We know that God promises to be faithful and not give us more than we can handle (he must think we are powerlifters some days😁 ).
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