Our departure day started early but thankfully both boys fell back asleep. We spent our morning trying to keep the boys occupied with one final visit to the splash area, and also finished packing. It took some packing and repacking but we managed to fit everything into 4 suitcases and our carry-ons….woohoo! It was a quiet ride to the airport as Hin Hin took in everything he is familiar with, and commented “I like Hong Kong”. Everything went smoothly at the airport and during boarding. During take off, Hin Hin looked out the window and said “good bye Hong Kong”. We can’t even imagine what it must be like to leave all that you have known and go to a place that you have only seen pictures of. He has been a trooper through it all, and has patiently worked with us as we bridge the language gap. We are so thankful that he can read Chinese as the translator app doesn’t always pick up what he is saying…or picks up the wrong thing 😁. Both boys did great on the flight and even managed to get some sleep. After landing we asked Hin Hin how he liked flying since he had never flown before. He said he liked flying and would go again, not sure if that was just because of all the movies and games that he got to enjoy or if he really liked flying. It was fun to watch him as we made our way through customs, getting our luggage, and finding our car. We heard many “wows” and “oh my goodness”. Due to our late arrival and long drive home, we were all hungry, and Laura was in need of coffee. When we walked into the rest area we saw the glow of Chick-fil-a,a “healthier” option of fast food,but our hopes were dimmed as they turned out the light. Luckily, for the boys, Burger King was glowing next door. We pulled Laura over and ordered. Laura could be heard mumbling, “don’t get used to this boys”. The rest of the trip was a blur with the boys throwing a stuffed animal back and forth, making silly sounds, giggling and singing jingle bells non stop. We now get all movies about family car trips! James almost wanted to yell a, “don’t make me pull this car over” just to round out the movie theme. We finished our journey pulling into the house at 2:30am. The boys were greeted by special balloons for each of them tied to their chairs and a loving banner Luke made before we left. Once again there were many tired wows and Luke proudly showing off everything he likes in the house. The biggest wow came from Luke proudly showing off the giant bin of Legos. Another change brought some tears at bedtime for Hin Hin. Laura lovingly laid with him rubbing his back, holding his hand and praying. What more can you do for a child mourning a loss of this scale. Eventually around 5:30am he fell asleep with Laura by his side. I think everyone was exhausted since no one woke up until 2:00pm! Time to start our first full (or what is left of it) day in PA. Please continue to pray for our bonding. Pray for Luke as he is struggling with the adjustment. We are encouraged by more giggling times but transition is hard for everyone. Pray for us as we actively pursue both our boys not letting them pull away and show Gods glory and love to them through our actions.
Thankful you arrived safely home. Praying for the adjustment back to Eastern Time and all the adjustments to becoming a family of 4.