Trip to the Zoo

Today we ventured out with our guide and some other adoptive families to the local zoo. HouLiang Luke had a wonderful time looking at the animals but had an equally fun time pushing the stroller around. We also got to do one of his favorite activities: visit new bathrooms! Nothing seems to bring him as much joy as flushing toilets and washing hands. And luckily for Laura his aim is improving.

In the afternoon we explored a park close to the hotel. There are always many street performers, and today there were some dancers, too. HouLiang watched them intently as they did what we interpreted as a Chinese version of synchronized South Pacific! We had an interesting experience at the park when someone came up to us and asked why we would adopt a child, especially one with special needs. We did our best to explain that we have always wanted to adopt and that we love him just as he our Heavenly Father loves and accepts us just as we are and adopts us into His family!

In an answer to prayer, he is settling down and trusting us more. We were even able to take turns playing a game and put together two puzzles. His newfound focus may be due to his dwindling supply of sugar candy he came with. Bath time continues to be special. Tonight he washed our arms as we helped him and then he washed James's hair over the edge of the tub. And it was sweet at bedtime when he wanted to read a few books with mama before he went to sleep.


  1. Sounds like you guys had a rather busy day! I laugh each time I read about how much he enjoys flushing the toilet. :)

    That's cool that you were approached about that... I've always wondered what most Chinese people think when they see us traveling across the world to adopt.

  2. Mama!!! " a few books with Mama..." just melts my heart. I mean, we've known it was coming, but WOW here it is - you're a mama!

  3. Love hearing the stories! Thanks for taking us along for the ride!


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