Travel Day

Today we flew south for the final part of the trip: getting his visa. On our way to the airport, our guide informed us that she had bad news. Our flight was delayed 3 hours. That meant we had more than 5 hours to wait until our flight left (with a 5-year-old and parents who have only been parenting for 4 days). We were a bit worried at how it would go, but God took care of us! HouLiang spent most of the day dry mopping the floor as he crawled around playing with his cars. Oh, and using he bathroom.  He loves to flush the toilets! At least 1-3 flushes each time (we'll have to work on water conservation when we get home 😁). 

This was his first time in an airplane, and he did great! He loved looking out the window during takeoff and landing, and got very excited when he could look down and see the city lights (one time we heard a very exuberant, "wow"). And of course he used the bathroom a couple times......and flushing airplane toilets was even more entertaining than flushing the regular toilets.  

We got to the hotel pretty late, but thankfully he feel asleep quickly after a couple cartoons. James and I had a short night though, as HouLiang had started coughing on the way to the hotel and it seemed to be getting worse. As first-time parents, we woke every time he coughed and kept checking to make sure he was breathing. And it didn't help that the toilet keep running every 30 seconds. (Yes, I counted as I lay there worrying.) Please pray that his cough would get better and that we would know if we need to take him to the doctor here.  


  1. I'm prying for you guys, even though I'm not religious. It's not the first time and won't be the last time.

  2. Praying for complete healing for Luke!

  3. Holt staff in Guangzhou will have contacts & wisdom for you guys. Of course, our Heavenly Father has the details under control. Praying for peace and healing. :)

  4. Wait until he sees the toilet at your house.... With 2 different flushing buttons!


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