Our Last Day in China

Today was our last full day in China.  What an adventure it has been, but we are also excited to get home. 

We started our day by eating at the hotel buffet and listening to him say yes and no to what he wants for breakfast. It will be interesting to see how things are when we get home and he realizes there aren't going to be this many options for breakfast each morning 😁. We went to the park one last time and then visited the sporting goods store again. We are definitely going to have to get this kid a scooter or bike when we get home!

We went to explore some side street markets today with another adoptive family. The open-air market was fantastic, with something for all your senses. We purchased some baked goods to try. We only gave him a little bit but the minimal amount was enough to overcharge his little batteries. He began pushing his stroller at full speed for about 1,000 feet! Parent lesson learned: No sugar, and if you give it to him, he is yours for the next four hours.

Dinner was very special today. HouLiang has not been overly affectionate so we have been trying to sneak in hugs and kisses when he allows. Today he leaned across the table, puckered his little lips and kissed each of us. We are excited for him to not only learn more about the love we have for him but the love God has always had for him. 

We ended our day with some books and songs and are finishing getting ready to leave for the airport at 5:00am. 


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