After lunch we went to a sporting goods store that let's you try out the different sports equipment. HouLiang enjoyed trying out golf, scooters, archery, and bikes. We loved watching him try these new activities! He seems to be pretty athletic and keeps trying until he masters the activity. The other reason for our trip there was to look for a new pair of shoes for him. Earlier that day we were looking at pictures and he asked about getting new shoes. We had been wanting to get new shoes for him but didn't want to until he was he found comfort and security in wearing the items provided by his foster home. We found a couple different shoe options and let him pick. He was so excited and wanted to put them on before we even left the store! As we pushed him home in the stroller he was in awe looking over the edge of his stroller at his new bright yellow shoes.
Our nighttime routine seems to be established, with family time while he takes a bath (although we tend to get wet while he washes our arms), watching a cartoon (or, as he says, cawtoown) and special time reading the same 3 books that we now have memorized, and singing a few songs. We are blessed that he is starting to enjoy some of our favorites like Jesus loves me. There are still some difficult times, but we are blending as a family—and what family doesn't have difficult moments during their day😀?
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