New Bike

While we were in China HouLiang kept showing us a picture of himself riding a bike.  We explained that we would get him his own bike when we got to new home.  A couple days after being home we went to the store to make good on that promise.  It was fun to help him pick out a bike and helmet.  We came right home and he helped baba put the bike together.  His first ride around the neighborhood was exciting for all of us. He rode with confidence as we eagerly followed making sure he did not fall.  Thankfully the weather has been mild the last couple days as he has wanted to ride his bike at least 2-3 times a day.  I think this kid could give the energizer bunny a run for his money 😉

As we mentioned before, he loves to help!  The other morning I was getting ready and he heard the hair dryer, so came in to investigate.  He decided he wanted to help mama dry her hair.  It was so cute, although now every time he hears the hairdryer he runs in to help.......I think I better allow extra time to get ready in the morning, especially since he always holds down the cool air button when drying my hair.

We have slowly been venturing out to the grocery store and a few other places.  When we were out the other day, we decided to stop at a pet store that has a lot of fish.  We were describing where we were going and that they had fish to look at.  Every time we said fish, he said "lunch".  We were laughing so hard......makes sense why he would think that since a number of restaurants in China have tanks with the fresh fish, eels, turtles, etc.

We are loving our time together as a family and can't believe we have only been home one week.  
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoor
