Laundry Day

Saturday was the medical check up for his visa. The process takes about 1 1/2 hours and involves 4 different parts, with the last one being a blood draw and TB test (without the parents in the room).  He did great through everything! And we are picking up on this parenting thing to make sure we bring enough activities as well as more than enough snacks!
We enjoyed lunch at one of the restaurants in the hotel, and then the boys played in the outdoor play area while I met with the local guide to work on visa paperwork. The local guide then took a group of us on a Walmart run. Yes, we went to China to visit Walmart! It was great to get to pick up some supplies and also see what Walmart is like in another was very fun and, as you would expect, nothing like in the US.  

The hotel we are staying at now has lots of kid-friendly amenities but no indoor pool, so he "swims" in the bathtub each night. We had to get creative with bathtub toys as we hadn't even thought to bring those along......thankfully I had packed some balloons and he found a toy on the floor at one of our appointments. Tonight he helped us wash some laundry while he was in the tub. It was hilarious! I was going to wash the clothes after he got out, but James suggested maybe he would want to help, so we threw it in......and help he did. We were laughing so hard!   

Overall it was a good day! We also think we found a trick to help with bedtime: singing with him. Although we sing the same 4-6 songs over and over.......We'll work on expanding the selection later. For now we are just glad to have found something that seems to comfort him and help him fall asleep!  


  1. Aw.. glad to hear that things are going well! We ended up using empty water bottles as toys when we adopted Ella, lol. She loved bringing them into the bath with her.


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