Jet Lagged

We are still feeling a bit jet lagged and adjusting to the new time zone.  The first couple nights he was up from about 12:30-4:30.  And some mornings he pops out of bed and others we have to work hard to wake him up.  Thankfully he is generally a happy boy!  

He continues to enjoy exploring his new home and places around our area.  He still loves to check everything out and exclaim "wow", including when he looks in the fridge and pantry.  It is sometimes easy to take for granted all that we have been blessed with, but seeing these things through his eyes has been a great reminder of how our Heavenly Father meets our needs.

No new bathroom stories, although he does like to use our bathroom instead of his sometimes.  He also had the chance to visit his first American port-a-potty! We heard him mutter wow as he walked in (unsure if it was due to the size of it or smell)!

We are also learning that he LOVES to help.  Every time I head to the kitchen to cook he drags his little chair over to help.  It is very sweet but has made for some lengthy meal preparations. However, we continue to enjoy fostering his helpful spirit. And I can't tell if he likes my cooking or not as insists that we get the jar of spicy sauce (sent by his foster home) out with every meal.  The other morning I made French toast casserole, and in true Liang Liang Luke fashion he complimented the dish with his spicy pepper sauce. Not sure if it will be a new breakfast sensation but he seemed to enjoy it.

Bath time also continues to be full of fun, laughing, splashing and singing. A friend recently got us bathtub paints (who knew these existed) and he loves to smear them on the wall and practice his numbers and create abstract art!  We are slowly getting on a routine and settling in as a family.


  1. something to be said for "comfort food"! We are still reading and love to hear about all your new adventures as a family. Thanks for taking the time to post!


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