Eel Anyone?

Sunday was a free day. We enjoyed a slow morning and are learning that HouLiang is not a morning person! It takes a lot of time and prompting to wake him up and to get dressed.....thankfully the promise of a snack usually helps the process 😁. When I took him to the bathroom in the morning it was like old faithful! Spraying in all directions except the right one! There was some mopping that ensued afterward. However, with some guidance, he has the aim of most men (mostly in)!  

We ventured to a nearby park and then spent some time playing in the outdoor play area at the hotel. One of the items we bought at Walmart was a cheap umbrella stroller. It has definitely made getting around easier, and has also been a fun toy.....he loves for us to push him around fast as he points which way we should go. We love hearing him laugh! We also have a new routine. When we get to our hotel room he strips down to his underwear and tee shirt to play. No, he did not learn this from us! We also realized that he may enjoy working out someday. He has been picking up two one gallon water jugs (full ones) and carrying them around the room. 

Dinner was a group event with some other adoptive families, and was lots of fun! Our local guide went with us and ordered a variety of local dishes for us to try, including eel. It wasn't too bad, although I don't think I will be making it at home. They have tanks on display in the restaurant with the eels, turtles, fish and other animals on death row.  

Quick update on his cough: It does seem to be getting better although is still worse at night.....and we think James may have gotten what he has. Thanks so much for your prayers!  
