Wow, what a day...

It started pretty early as we are still adjusting to the time change, and due to our excitement/nervousness of getting to meet our son will it go, will we know what to say, will he feel comfortable with us, will we be able to communicate, etc.  The schedule was to meet the head teacher at his school and then to visit the foster home.  We got an amazing surprise when we headed down to the lobby to meet our ride, and there with our driver was our son.  We were all a little shy at first but the gift of a matchbox car helped break the ice.  We spent some in in the lobby playing together and then headed to his school.  For the last year and a half he has attended a Montessori school close to where he lives.  He was eager to show us his school and we were so excited to have this opportunity for a glimpse into this area of his life.  He eagerly showed us around, where to hang our coats, then on to wash our hands, to the kitchen for a drink, then on to show us each area and some of his favorite things.  The school is amazing and we are so thankful for the time he was here and all the learning and love he received.  From there we headed to the foster home where we were warmly welcomed to join them for lunch.  It was fun to try some new dishes, and the dumplings were amazing!  We also learned that our son likes spicy food, and I mean very spicy food!  One of the dipping sauces for the dumplings was very spicy and while everyone else was using it sparingly (including BaBa), he was eating it by the spoonful.  Apparently he loves the stuff and requests it frequently, so they sent a bottle home with us.......hopefully our local Asian market sells something similar 😀.  It was a great day and I think it helped to put all of us at ease.  We said goodbye for now and look forward to seeing him Monday.  


  1. Congrats🎉!! I’m so happy for you guys!! Ani

  2. Ahhh!! How exciting! He's so stinking cute. We cannot wait to meet him. We're praying for your family. Congratulations!!!!!

  3. Wow!! This is very exciting. A great picture of what God did for us- adopted into His family.
    Have a safe trip home. Wishing you all God's best as you adjust to being parents.
    Pastor Bobby


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