It's Official

It's Official.....

Today was the official adoption day. We had to be ready to leave pretty early, and since we are still learning how long it takes to get an independent 5 year old ready and fed, we wanted to be totally ready before we woke him up. Right before we were going to wake him up, James happened to look at his phone and noticed that it was an hour earlier than we thought. Apparently when HouLiang was playing with the alarm clock the night before he accidentally changed the time ðŸ˜€

After all the adoption paperwork was completed we had the rest of the day free. We ventured to the supermarket to pick up lunch......we thought the restaurant staff needed a break after the previous day's entertainment. The store is huge and has everything you might need, from groceries, everyday essentials, and clothes to school books and appliances. 

We spent the afternoon swimming at the hotel pool and then he "swam" in the bathtub to warm up.  He has a boundless supply of energy and is adamant that he doesn't need a nap and isn't ready to go to bed until about 9 (although he won't go to bed unless everyone is). After our full days we are ready to go to bed by then anyway, so it all works out ðŸ˜Š

We are enjoying getting to know our son! He is very observant and is quickly picking up some English words, including "okay," which apparently I say all the time. He loves to share and started sharing his snacks from his personal candy stash. He loves to open the package and feed them to us. Although we don't know what they are we eat them with him and are surprised by some cookies that turn out to be garlic bread flavored!


  1. Loving these updates! Congratulations to the newest Schadewald! Sounds like Luke is a lot of fun. I laughed about the garlic bread flavored cookie. Oh China! lol. :) What a cute family picture!!!

  2. So many of your experiences bring back memories from our trip! LOVE that you're eating whatever he feeds you - major bonding there! Thanks for taking the time to post and keep us updated!


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